Analytical hub


The analytical hub of M2i Development is fitted out with equipment which enables it to conduct various analyses:



  • Extending from the development of multiple-mixture separating methods thanks to a wide spectrum of stationary phases:
    • HPLC with UV, DAD and ELSDet detectors for normal, inverse, HILIC and chiral phase columns
    • CPG-FID + headspace and associated columns (HP-1, HP-5, DB-WAX, Innowax, FFAP, optima delta, chiral, etc.


  • To physicochemical characterisation of products devised by its synthesis teams:

        Melting point measuring device
        Karl Fischer coulometer
        UV spectrometer


The lab has also developed expertise in diffusion and stability studies of formulated products (ventrilated universal oven).


M2i Development profits from access to very high technology analytical equipment:

  • RMN 400 MHz
  • GC/MS   
  • CHNS-O elemental analyser   
  • IRTF